Financial Partners Group Appoints Dan Weinstein to Serve as CFO

 6 months ago
source link: https://ceoworld.biz/2023/12/29/financial-partners-group-appoints-dan-weinstein-to-serve-as-cfo/
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Financial Partners Group Appoints Dan Weinstein to Serve as CFO


Financial Partners Group (FPG) has appointed Dan Weinstein as its new Chief Financial Officer. Weinstein’s proven track record in operations and management at various Fortune 100 companies underscores his commitment to delivering high-performance solutions, solidifying FPG’s position as an industry frontrunner.

Weinstein’s career spanning over two decades, has encompassed diverse leadership roles in technology and business operations. His extensive background in merging financial services and technology has equipped him to offer innovative solutions to business challenges and exceptional customer experiences. In 2006, he founded his own company, providing consulting services to small and mid-sized businesses. Over eight years, the business expanded to serve over 150 customers across ten states and two countries before being acquired by a publicly traded company in 2014.

Before joining FPG, Weinstein served as the President of HALO, an innovative consumer electronics company. His pivotal involvement in product design and launch propelled Halo to become the market leader in quality, contributing significantly to its initial and ongoing success.

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