We Will Rock You: Whiteboard Friday Episodes That Rocked the Industry in 2023

 6 months ago
source link: https://moz.com/blog/best-of-whiteboard-friday-2023
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Emilie Martin
By: Emilie Martin December 29, 2023

We Will Rock You: Whiteboard Friday Episodes That Rocked the Industry in 2023

In the ever-evolving landscape of SEO, staying ahead of the curve is essential. For years, Moz's Whiteboard Friday has been a trusted resource for SEO enthusiasts and professionals worldwide. In 2023, an extraordinary journey has unfolded. Spanning four continents and bringing together a diverse ensemble of over 30 SEO hosts to film episodes covering topics from SEO strategy, content marketing, technical SEO, and of course, two of the hottest topics: Artificial Intelligence and Google Analytics 4.

Whiteboard Friday 2023 wouldn’t be possible without the amazing MozCon team, Sarah Galpin our London-based videographer, our friends at Pi Datametrics, who opened their office space to us, the amazing Women in Tech SEO team and community who shared their amazing conference in London and Philly with us, Seer Interactive who generously offered their office space, Five Five Collective a fantastic Philly based film and production company, GoNetYourself a wonderful Seattle based based filming studio, and of course each an every one of our incredible hosts who took time out to shared their precious insights with us all.

As the year comes to a close, we're excited to bring you the top 10 episodes from surely one of the most turbulent years in search industry history. These episodes, hosted by some of the brightest minds in the SEO industry, provide actionable insights and strategies that can supercharge your SEO efforts. Whether you're a seasoned SEO pro or just starting your journey, there's something valuable for everyone.

In case you missed them, here are the top 10 episodes from this year!

1. The Ultimate Low-Hanging Fruit SEO Strategy with Aleyda Solis

We all know that we want to maximize our chances for success in SEO. With that, what we’ll want to do is prioritize tasks that have a higher impact, and lower effort; however, sometimes these tasks get lost in the SEO auditing process. In this Whiteboard Friday, Aleyda helped us develop a low-hanging fruit analysis in parallel with the usual SEO process.

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2. How to Create 8 Million SEO Test Ideas with Will Critchlow

As SEOs, we tend to come from an audit mindset: to look for things that are wrong and to try and decide what is the best way of doing things. In this episode, Will encourages us to get into a testing mindset, helping us to do so by generating test ideas through ChatGPT.

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3. 6 Money-Making Content Formats SaaS Companies Should Prioritize with Chima Mmeje

In her first-ever Whiteboard Friday, Chima Mmeje talked us through the six top content formats SaaS brands can focus on to drive revenue: “Best of” keywords, sales enablement content, competitor comparison pages, pricing pages, modifiers to download something and personalized landing pages.

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4. Google vs. AI with Tom Capper

Large Language Models took the world by storm in 2023. In Tom’s episode, he covered some of the new threats to Google from recent advances in machine learning models like ChatGPT, and how Google might react to those threats.

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5. How Content Is Evolving Thanks to AI with Ross Simmonds

There's no question that AI has already started to have a meaningful impact on organizations that create content every single day. In his Whiteboard Friday, Ross shared how our workflows, processes, and content creation would positively evolve thanks to AI.

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6. The Fundamentals of Crawling for SEO with Jes Scholz

In this episode of Whiteboard Friday, host Jes Scholz dug into the foundations of search engine crawling. She showed us why no indexing issues doesn’t necessarily mean no issues at all, and how — when it comes to crawling — quality is more important than quantity.

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7. 5 Ways SEOs Can Use ChatGPT with Chris Long

Chris Long revealed to us five ingenious ways SEOs can leverage ChatGPT: featured snippet optimization, feedback on content, enhancing your knowledge base, Screaming Frog extractions, and creating custom tools.

5 Ways SEOs Can Use ChatGPT with Chris Long
5 Ways SEOs Can Use ChatGPT with Chris Long

8. Helping Google Navigate Your Site More Efficiently with Shawn Huber

Shawn talked us through the ways in which our site structure, sitemaps, and Google Search Console work together to help Google crawl our websites, and what we can do to approve Googlebot’s efficiency.

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9. How to Explain the Value of SEO to Executives with Larry Waddell

Seer Interactive’s Larry Waddell discusses how we can translate the SEO work we do for our clients into how executives think of value — specifically, business value. He introduced us to the “Value Pyramid” and discussed the four types of business value: increase revenue, reduce cost, cost avoidance, and insurance value.

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10. GA4 Audiences: Not Just for Ads! With Dana DiTomaso

There are many interesting features in GA4 — some that were sort of in Universal Analytics, but now they're better. One of those features is Audiences, which many people may only be using for their ads. In this episode of Whiteboard Friday, Dana showed us why Audiences can be useful for reporting on other areas of our marketing efforts as well.

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About Emilie Martin —

Emilie is a Learning & Development Specialist, working on the Content Team at Moz. She works on creating educational content, including Academy courses, blog posts, guides, videos, and more. Her background is in customer training and education and has a passion for digital content creation.

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