KubeCon Special: Docker with Justin Cormack

 6 months ago
source link: https://softwareengineeringdaily.com/2023/12/04/kubecon-special-docker-with-justin-cormack/
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KubeCon Special: Docker with Justin Cormack

Podcast Monday, December 4 2023

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This episode of Software Engineering Daily is part of our on-site coverage of KubeCon 2023, which took place from November 6th through 9th in Chicago.

In today’s interview, host Jordi Mon Companys speaks with Justin Cormack who is the CTO at Docker.


Jordi Mon Companys is a product manager and marketer that specializes in software delivery, developer experience, cloud native and open source. He has developed his career at companies like GitLab, Weaveworks, Harness and other platform and devtool providers. His interests range from software supply chain security to open source innovation. You can reach out to him on Twitter at @jordimonpmm

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