30 crore jobs about to go! AI-Induced Job Disruption #atomicIdeas

 6 months ago
source link: https://nextbigwhat.com/30-crore-jobs-about-to-go-ai-induced-job-disruption-atomicideas/
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Home / News / 30 crore jobs about to go! AI-Induced Job Disruption #atomicIdeas

30 crore jobs about to go! AI-Induced Job Disruption #atomicIdeas

30 crore jobs about to go! AI-Induced Job Disruption

Is India ready for Massive Job Disruption due to AI? A comprehensive view on the impact of AI on the job market in India.

The ideas also cover the potential disruption AI could bring, the readiness of India to embrace this technology, and the need for upskilling to avoid job losses.

Those who find the key to AI will unlock success. – Akash Banerjee

Upskilling to be AI ready

With the impact of AI on jobs already apparent, it’s crucial to upskill and be AI ready.

Institutions like the Scaler School of Technology are offering programs designed by industry experts to prepare students for the future AI landscape.

AI’s potential to both eliminate and create jobs

While AI is projected to eliminate jobs, especially those involving repetitive tasks, it’s also creating a growing demand for AI talent in various sectors.

This highlights the need for a balanced perspective on AI’s impact on employment.

Stages of AI development

AI is constantly evolving through stages: reactive AI, limited memory AI, theory of mind AI, and self-aware AI.

Each stage brings new capabilities and potential societal impact, emphasizing the need for continuous learning and adaptation.

AI’s potential dangers

AI has the potential to be more dangerous than nuclear war, as it can threaten human civilization if misused.

Therefore, responsible AI development and deployment are critical.

Investment in machine learning education

India ranks first in terms of AI skill penetration, but there is a need for more investment in machine learning education.

Updating educational syllabi to keep up with the fast-changing AI landscape is crucial.

The danger of AI is much greater than the danger of nuclear war. – Akash Banerjee

AI’s impact on specific job fields

Jobs involving repetition, such as customer service and computer support, are being replaced by AI.

Other fields like accountancy, graphic design, and market research are also likely to be impacted.

Growing demand for AI talent

Despite the potential job losses, there is a growing demand for AI talent in various sectors, including AI-focused startups in India.

This underscores the importance of upskilling to tap into these opportunities.

AI-focused education programs

Institutions like the Scaler School of Technology are offering transformative programs designed by industry experts, with a 1-year paid internship.

Such initiatives are key to preparing the workforce for the AI era.

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