Frontend Rewind 2023 – Day 05

 6 months ago
source link: https://tympanus.net/codrops/2023/12/05/frontend-rewind-2023-day-05/
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Frontend Rewind 2023 – Day 05

Join us in opening the next door to unveil what’s in store for Day 5 of “Frontend Rewind 2023”

By Manoela Ilic in Articles on December 5, 2023

Welcome to Day 5 of “Frontend Rewind 2023”!

Today we have some more links for you, plus inspiration, and a very special discount code for Sara Soueidan’s course on accessibility!

❄️ Fun fact: “December,” originating from the Latin “decem” for “ten,” was initially the tenth month in the Roman calendar. Reforms later added January and February, pushing December to the twelfth position. Although its numerical order changed, the month names retained their original numerical significance.

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Community Discount: Practical Accessibility by Sara Soueidan


From Sara: “I created the Practical Accessibility course to help you gain a deep understanding of accessibility so that you can more confidently create accessible websites and applications as well as advocate for accessibility within your team and your community. If you’re a designer or developer proficient with HTML and CSS and who is looking for a practical, no-nonsense course to learn accessibility, then this course is made for you.” 🎁


You can get 15% off the course’s price by using the discount code CODROPS15 during checkout. The code is valid until December 24th.


Our top Core Web Vitals recommendations for 2023

A collection of the best practices that the Chrome DevRel team believes are the most effective ways to improve Core Web Vitals performance in 2023.


The Gooey Effects With Shader

Misaki Nakano explains how to achieve the “Gooey Effect” using shaders and Three.js, detailing the process of rendering scenes, applying Gaussian blur, and implementing contrast to create a visually appealing melting or merging effect between objects.

Website Design: WalletCon


UI Interaction & Animation: Xenial – Landing page design


Writex.io is an all-in-one AI-driven online platform for writers, providing powerful editing, reading, and publishing features.



A collection of open-source punk sci-fi art illustrations by Pablo Stanley depicting characters surpassing their biological limits.

Web Experiment

Infinite World

A beautiful infinite procedurally generated world made in WebGL with Three.js by Bruno Simon.

Video: Three.js Shaders (GLSL) Crash Course For Absolute Beginners

Thank you and join us again tomorrow! 👋🎄

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