Question - Google removed the force fullscreen on a14 release! Yes, that's right...

 8 months ago
source link: https://xdaforums.com/t/google-removed-the-force-fullscreen-on-a14-release-yes-thats-right.4634415/#post-89106192
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Senior Member
Jul 24, 2020
Cant believe they took it away, what a bunch of morons.
No they didn't. I just flashed the ota release on my fold it's still there.


Senior Member
Sep 11, 2016
No they didn't. I just flashed the ota release on my fold it's still there.

Where? I can't find it

I'm confused, I downloaded the latest release ota from October on For version 14.0.0 (UP1A.231005.007, Oct 2023)
I assume this is the official ota not a beta, this is what I flashed and I still have the force aspect ratio. Did I flash a beta or release? It's the only one for October for a14, the other one says japan
Last edited: Oct 5, 2023


Senior Member
Jul 24, 2020
I'm confused, I downloaded the latest release ota from October on For version 14.0.0 (UP1A.231005.007, Oct 2023)
I assume this is the official ota not a beta, this is what I flashed and I still have the force aspect ratio. Did I flash a beta or release? It's the only one for October for a14, the other one says japan

Care to share where it is? Maybe I'm a dipsht, and can't find it. Thanks


Senior Member
Mar 30, 2007 1,837 Google Pixel 6 Pro
Android 14 final for the fold from yesterday dont have the option. If you want to keep it you have to stay at the first quality beta with feature drop that will come.

Reactions: bs3pro


Senior Member
In A14 QPR1 Beta 2, you can go to Settings/Apps/Aspect ratio (experimental). You can change the aespect ratio from default, to full-screen, half-screen and 4:3.

Not sure if it's it's in A14 stable. If not, go to Settings/Dev. settings and toggle free-form windows. Then when you open an app you can drag the corner to change the aespect ration.
Last edited: Saturday at 7:43 PM

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Senior Member
Jun 5, 2010 7,015 1,045 Chicago
This was never going to be in stable, it wasn't even in regular a14 beta builds. The first time it showed up was in the QPR beta which is the December feature drop.

Reactions: sawdoctor


New member
Sep 25, 2021
Yes, force fullscreen was never meant for A14 stable release in Oct.
If you want to try this feature, go sign up for the QPR1 Beta program (just remember that this is a beta so prepare for some bugs / instability)
Typically QPR beta features should be pushing to pixel users in December feature drop

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