The Automotive Smart Tire Revolution: A Market Overview 2028

 8 months ago
source link: https://www.emergenresearch.com/industry-report/automotive-smart-tire-market
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In the latest report from Emergen Research, the market research report discusses the global Automotive Smart Tire market in depth, and each of the major market segments is examined in depth. In addition to market information, the report provides industry statistics, regional market revenue shares, gross profits, production & distribution costs, and product portfolios related to the global Automotive Smart Tire market. There are also a number of factors influencing industry revenue growth identified in the report, including drivers, opportunities, trends, restraints, challenges, demand and supply ratios, production and consumption patterns, stringent regulatory frameworks, as well as a multitude of other micro- and macro-economic factors.

The global automotive smart tires market size reached USD 76.78 billion in 2020 and is expected to register a revenue CAGR of 6.6% during the forecast period, according to latest analysis by Emergen Research. Increasing usage of 5G technology in smart tires is expected to support market revenue growth between 2021 and 2028. Besides, increasing usage of new and more advanced tire materials that can evaluate real-time monitoring of tire conditions will boost revenue growth of the market. Currently, demand for 5G automated technology and tire pressuring monitoring systems for automotive smart tires has increased significantly. Many companies are combining strategies to sustain in the competitive market. Additionally, tire manufacturers are deploying Internet of Things (IoT) to enhance development of smart tires and increasing implementation of 3D printing for production of automotive smart tires. These advanced technologies being deployed in the automotive industry have been playing a significant role for rising use of AI and research and development of various features offered in smart tires.

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