Britepeer - Connect your team or community by skill | Product Hunt

 10 months ago
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Support is great. Feedback is even better.

"I'm a community owner myself, so I'm really interested in the challenges other community owners face when it comes to how you manage your community. What has been challenging lately?"

The makers of Britepeer
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Hey y'all 🌞 I'm the owner of a really cool community called StartUpNash. The community has been growing over the last five years (yay). From feedback, I know people are getting a lot of value out of it (double yay!) Best of all, this community is active! However, I started to run into a problem that grew with it. I can only hold a little bit of information about 8 people or so in my head at once, and the community is all about founders sharing information and experiences with each other regarding their businesses. I'm a great connector, but I started failing to see how and when to introduce members to each other. We tried some introduction type bots in the group and really liked them. Those bots gave me an idea: I wanted to do even more intentional matching.

We created Britepeer as a first step to giving community owners and businesses productive tools to help their teams connect. When you have a question or need to know about a specific topic (community owners can add their own categories), ask Britepeer, and the bot will match you with people who are knowledgeable in the skills you're looking for.

Britepeer is just getting started, but I really wanted to publish the bot and get some initial feedback on folks who will use it for their community or team. Thank you so much.

Hi Kelley,

Britepeer seems like a great step forward for StartUpNash! How do you see Britepeer evolving with more usage, and are there specific enhancements you're planning based on the initial feedback?

Already imagining the ways this could streamline our workflow.

Exciting times are ahead!

This is a real problem. Interesting work

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Joyk means Joy of geeK