Pacely Project Management

 10 months ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/pacely-project-management
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Let AI learn your code and guide your development

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Hello Product Hunters! 🚀

We're thrilled to unveil Pacely, your AI-powered development buddy in a fully featured project management tool that is set to revolutionize your software development process.

We've all experienced the slow pace of software development. From ticket creation to closure, countless hours are spent communicating context, locating and understanding relevant code, designing solutions, seeking feedback, implementing, and testing. These manual steps consume a significant amount of time and cognitive effort.

What if we could change that by offloading many of the cognitive tasks to AI? That's where Pacely comes in. Pacely connects to your GitHub repositories, learns your code, and becomes your development companion. It provides step-by-step guidelines for tasks, walks you through code, helps you find, analyze, and fix bugs, offers system design advice, and more. Available on Slack, Pacely reduces time spent asking questions, waiting for answers, onboarding new employees, analyzing problems, and brainstorming. Imagine an engineer who knows everything about the code and is always online.

Below is a list of a few example queries Pacely can help with:

→ There is a bug with monthly plan renewals: some of the customers were charged twice this month. help me find the bug. → Walk me through how bitcoin payment is received and processed in the system. → Winner determination logic has become very slow. help me investigate. → Provide an initial system design for accepting Ethereum. Focus on making it consistant with how we accept bitcoin. → Help me write some tests for method 'rank_plays!' in class 'Match' → Explain method 'deliver_prizes!' in class 'Match'

Possibilities are endless.

This powerful AI assistant does not come alone, of course, but is built on top of a fully-featured project management platform designed to streamline your workflow and boost productivity. In addition to sprints, estimations, burnup charts, subtasking, filtering, batch updates, epics, labels, GitHub development tracking, and Slack notifications, we've paid attention to details that may not be obvious at first sight but address some long-standing pain points in project management. These include the ability to have multiple backlogs using stacks, enabling sub-stories to inherit the parent's ID with a suffix counter, automatic detection of uncompleted stories upon finishing sprints and giving you options to move them to other stacks, putting the sprint progress chart right in front of your eyes, giving you a bird's eye view of all stacks when you are planning the upcoming sprints, moving completed stories to the bottom of stacks automatically, flexible sprint lifecycle, and much more.

We're beyond excited to share Pacely with the Product Hunt community and would love to hear your feedback.

P.S. 1. Just a heads-up, our AI repository training is still in beta and currently supports only Java, Javascript, Typescript, Ruby, Python, Elixir, and Terraform. We're working hard to boost the AI's efficiency and accuracy, and your feedback is super valuable in this journey. If you've tried it out, we'd really appreciate hearing about your experience!

2. We have ambitious visions for this product. There is still much more to come. Follow us for future updates. @pacelydev on Linkedin @pacelydev on Twitter

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