Progress Card for Work Packages and Work Items

 10 months ago
source link: https://blogs.sap.com/2023/08/22/progress-card-for-work-packages-and-work-items/
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August 22, 2023 2 minute read

Progress Card for Work Packages and Work Items

This blog is part of the blogs series for the new “New Solution Readiness Dashboard” delivered as part of Focused Build SP12 delivery. This blog focuses on the Progress Card for Work Packages and Work Items 


Please go through the following blogs: 

Initial Set up and Pre-requisites 

What is Solution Readiness Dashboard and Brief Overview on Cards 

For all common features of Fiori elements used in the card, refer blog Requirement card 

Progress Card 

Progress card shows the progress of all work packages and work items in the selected project. It is mandatory to execute the ‘Progress by details’ activity mentioned in Solman setup (Refer Initial Set up and Pre-requisites), to ensure status progress is recorded precisely in this card. 


Progress Card

The progress by card has two options on the card header to view. Each of the two options navigates to a detail page for more detailed analysis. 

  1. By Work Packages 
  1. By Work Items 

Data Point: In the header section of the card, the percentage of work packages which are in status group successfully tested is shown. 

The graph shows the count of work packages/ Work Items in status group successfully tested with cumulative summation. For example, if In April 2023 I have 3 work packages in successfully tested and in May 2023 I have 3 work packages in successfully tested, then the chart shows 6 work packages for the month of May 2023. 

Detail Page for Work Package progress 

In addition to the overview page progress chart, the details page for work package progress by default shows the stacked column Chart with Extraction Date (Changed Date) and status group as the dimensions and Count of work packages as measure. Hence it is possible to see for each day during the project how many work packages are in which status groups. Also, the table below the graph shows the records for the selected progress bars in the graph, helping drill down and analyze. 


Progress Details for Work Packages

Detail Page for Work Item progress

Like the Work Item Progress detail page, by default it loads a Stacked column chart, and this can be filtered to view the data only for specific time periods using the extraction date filter available in the additional filters in the filter bar. 


Progress Details for Work Items

Both the details pages are built based on SAP Fiori Application List Page providing many features like Variant management, save as tile, changing the dimensions and measures, different chart types to select etc. Also, these pages allow us to navigate to MCA (Mass Change Application) and the My Work Items Application /My Work Packages Application  

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