Richest Billionaires in Real Estate Industry (August 21, 2023)

 10 months ago
source link: https://ceoworld.biz/2023/08/21/richest-billionaires-in-real-estate-industry-august-21-2023/
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Richest Billionaires in Real Estate Industry (August 21, 2023)


As of August 21, 2023, Lee Shau Kee has a net worth of US$26.5 billion, making him the wealthiest person in the real estate industry. Donald Bren follows in second place with $17.4 billion, while Harry Triguboff ranks third with $15.5 billion, and Joseph Lau comes in fourth with $13.1 billion.

The fifth and sixth spots on the list are occupied by Peter Woo, whose net worth is $12.8 billion, and Kwong Siu-hing, whose net worth is $12.5 billion. Kushal Pal Singh is placed 7th with a net worth of $11.1 billion. Manuel Villar ($9.4 billion) occupied the 8th position among the wealthiest people in the real estate industry, followed by Stephen Ross (No. 9) with $9.1 billion and Alexander Otto (No. 10, $8.7 billion).

Richest Billionaires in Real Estate Industry, 2023

  1. Lee Shau Kee: $26.5 billion
  2. Donald Bren: $17.4 billion
  3. Harry Triguboff: $15.5 billion
  4. Joseph Lau: $13.1 billion
  5. Peter Woo: $12.8 billion
  6. Kwong Siu-hing: $12.5 billion
  7. Kushal Pal Singh: $11.1 billion
  8. Manuel Villar: $9.4 billion
  9. Stephen Ross: $9.1 billion
  10. Alexander Otto: $8.7 billion
  11. Francis Choi: $8.2 billion
  12. Wu Yajun: $8.1 billion
  13. Wang Jianlin: $7.9 billion
  14. Ivar Tollefsen: $7.6 billion
  15. Leonard Stern: $7.6 billion
  16. Philip Ng: $7.5 billion
  17. Jeff Greene: $7.5 billion
  18. Robert Ng: $7.4 billion
  19. Law Kar Po: $7.0 billion
  20. Igor Olenicoff: $6.9 billion

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