Twitter for Android rebrands as 'X', replaces 'tweets' with 'posts'

 11 months ago
source link: https://nextbigwhat.com/twitter-for-android-rebrands-as-x-replaces-tweets-with-posts/
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Home Twitter for Android rebrands as ‘X’, replaces ‘tweets’ with ‘posts’


Twitter for Android rebrands as ‘X’, replaces ‘tweets’ with ‘posts’

  • Twitter for Android is currently transitioning to a new brand name – ‘X’, including changing ‘tweets’ to ‘posts’.
  • Despite this rebranding, the package name remains com.twitter.com.android, and a total brand overhaul is expected, including changes in app colour themes.
  • Although version 10.1.0 is currently in beta, it is predicted to enter the stable channel shortly.
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