Twitter notifies Meta for potential legal action over Threads

 11 months ago
source link: https://www.gsmarena.com/twitter_notifies_meta_for_potential_legal_action_over_threads_-news-59111.php
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Twitter notifies Meta for potential legal action over Threads


Meta’s new Threads social network app is the biggest talk in tech right now after officially launching yesterday and scoring 48 million sign-ups in its first day. Twitter has now issued a legal letter addressed to Mark Zuckerberg regarding its intent to take legal action against Meta for “unlawful misappropriation of Twitter’s trade secrets and intellectual property”.

Twitter's legal letter adressed to Mark Zuckerberg

Twitter's legal letter adressed to Mark Zuckerberg

Twitter's legal letter adressed to Mark Zuckerberg

The accusation alleges Meta hired dozens of former Twitter employees with access to Twitter trade secrets and IP which Meta used to its advantage in developing its Threads social networking app. The letter bluntly describes Threads as a Twitter “copy-cat app” and demands that Meta stop using Twitter’s trade secrets and other confidential information as such actions go against state and federal laws. The letter also reminds Meta it is not allowed to crawl or scrape Twitter’s data.

Meta’s communications representative issued a short statement which refutes Twitter’s claims and states that no person on the Threads engineering team previously worked for Twitter.

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