GPT-Migrate - Easily migrate your codebase from one language to another | Produc...

 11 months ago
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Support is great. Feedback is even better.

"Would love feedback on whether, and how (if so), to include the expert-assisted code migration service (gpt-migrate.com). Think it could add value, but also don't want it to look like a racket or something."

The makers of GPT-Migrate
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Hey! Josh here, maker of GPT-Migrate. Thank you for taking the time to check out the project!

Code migration is a painful and arduous task. A couple weeks ago, I had to do a migration for another project I’ve been hacking on. It took a few long days, but as I migrated, tested, and debugged function after function, I started to realize that this process could be largely, if not fully, handled with today’s most powerful LLMs.

Last week at a hackathon, GPT-Migrate was born. It works by creating a standardized environment (Docker), translating the code of the source project to the target language/framework, creating unit tests against the source project, testing the newly generated codebase against these, and iteratively debugging based on the error messages and logs.

The most common question I hear is, “does it work with language x to language y?” My answer is: “try it!” Usually the tool will create *something* useful, even if it isn’t totally correct the first time (and with human help, it can cross the finish line).

I’d encourage you to give it a shot with a codebase that you have, even if just for fun! I’d recommend using GPT-4 32k if you do. Smaller models can work but sometimes the input size can be too large. We’re currently working on an improvement here.

What’s next? There are a few “boring” improvements we’ll be making, such as creating more robust unit tests, better and more benchmarks, support for more LLMs, etc. There are also a few exciting things on the horizon that you’ll need to stay tuned to hear about! (Did someone say no more devops? 👀)

Finally, I’d like to thank Ryan Hoover for encouraging me to launch this on Product Hunt, and especially Chris Messina for hunting it!! It wouldn’t have happened without you.

Cheers and happy migrating!

This is the #1 trending project on GitHub right now! 🔥

Congratulations on launching GPT-Migrate, Josh!

This sounds like a great tool for streamlining the code migration process. I'm curious, how does the tool handle more complex codebases with a large number of functions and dependencies? Does it have any limitations in terms of the size or complexity of the codebase it can handle?

@heyumarkhan thanks for this question! It’s still too early to have a solid answer. One of the to-dos is coming out with more rigorous benchmarks. That said, the first pass is likely to take you at least a solid portion of the way there (80%?) and with human help on the other 20% you’d be good.
Looks like an awesome product! I've recently migrated many smaller code snippets in ChatGPT, great to see a more comprehensive solution

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