🔴 Build a Whatsapp Clone (Realtime Chat) using Next.js, Socket.io, Tailwind CSS,...

 1 year ago
source link: https://dev.to/koolkishan/build-a-whatsapp-clone-realtime-chat-using-nextjs-socketio-tailwind-css-nodejs-express-and-prisma-1j0k
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Kishan Sheth

Posted on Jun 28

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🔴 Build a Whatsapp Clone (Realtime Chat) using Next.js, Socket.io, Tailwind CSS, Node.js, Express and Prisma

Features of the WhatsApp Clone:
This comprehensive WhatsApp clone comes packed with a range of awesome features to give you an authentic messaging experience. Here are some highlights:

✅ Login with Google using Firebase: Seamlessly sign in with your Google account via Firebase integration.

✅ Switch between multiple databases using Prisma: Customize your database preferences to suit your needs effortlessly.

✅ Send and Receive Messages using Sockets: Real-time messaging capabilities using Socket.io for instant communication.

✅ Voice Call and Video Call Feature: Enjoy crystal clear voice and video calls within the app.

✅ Voice Notes with Live Audio Waveforms: Send and receive voice notes accompanied by live audio waveforms for an enhanced messaging experience.

✅ Support for Emoji: Express yourself with a wide range of emojis to add fun and emotions to your conversations.

✅ Send Images: Share images with your friends and loved ones effortlessly.

✅ Online/Offline Functionality: Easily identify the online and offline status of your contacts.

✅ Search Messages: Quickly find specific messages using the search functionality.

✅ Capture Photo From Camera: Take instant photos using your device's camera and send them instantly.

✅ Message Read Status: Know when your messages have been read by your recipients.

✅ Message Time: Stay updated with the time stamps of messages for better organization.

And many more awesome features await you in this WhatsApp clone!

Check out the full 10+ Hour Video on my youtube channel.

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