MovieWiser - AI based movie and series aggregator and recommender | Product Hunt

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/moviewiser
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The makers of MovieWiser
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I have created a movie and series recommendation service based on artificial intelligence to assist both film enthusiasts who want to discover hidden gems or specific themes, as well as those who are unsure of what to watch and seek recommendations tailored to their tastes with just a click.

You can access the recommended movies and series and find out on which streaming platforms they are available, along with their synopses, trailers, ratings, and more.

Additionally, you can save the recommended movies to your personal list for future viewing. Moving forward, my future plan is to have the AI create a film profile based on the movies saved by the user, enabling even more personalized recommendations. I hope this service proves to be useful.

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