Twitter Rolling Out Support for Picture-in-Picture on iOS

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.macrumors.com/2023/06/30/twitter-picture-in-picture/
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Twitter Rolling Out Support for Picture-in-Picture on iOS

Friday June 30, 2023 12:07 pm PDT by Juli Clover

Twitter appears to be adopting support for picture-in-picture mode on the iPhone and iPad, with some Twitter users reporting access to a feature that allows them to watch Twitter videos while doing other tasks on the ‌iPhone‌ and ‌iPad‌.

Twitter Feature
Starting a video in Twitter and then swiping out of the app leaves the video player open, so Twitter users can use other apps while continuing to watch video content from the social network.

Twitter has had an in-app picture-in-picture option previously, but the new feature allows Twitter video to be watched while using other apps, similar to how YouTube and other video content apps work on iPhones and iPads.

Looks like Twitter videos now support the iOS system wide PiP.
Note that it’s rolling out slowly, so it’s normal if some of you don’t have it yet pic.twitter.com/QeCrI670XA — iSoftware Updates (@iSWUpdates) June 30, 2023

Not all Twitter users have access to the picture-in-picture feature as of yet, which suggests that Twitter is still in the process of rolling out support. Accessing the feature requires the latest version of the Twitter app on ‌iPhone‌ or ‌iPad‌.
Tag: Twitter
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Top Rated Comments

19 hours ago at 12:41 pm
Can confirm you can no longer access Twitter without logging into a Twitter Account. Elon Musk really wants you to create an account now. No other way around it!
*stops using Twitter completely

^ I found a way around it!

2023 is becoming the death-year of the last few socials I was using…

Time to dust-off the IRL hobbies I’ve been neglecting ?
Score: 9 Votes (Like | Disagree)
19 hours ago at 12:22 pm
Is it just me, or now you cannot read Twitter without logging into an account?
Score: 8 Votes (Like | Disagree)
19 hours ago at 12:29 pm
Is it just me, or now you cannot read Twitter without logging into an account?
Can confirm you can no longer access Twitter without logging into a Twitter Account. Elon Musk really wants you to create an account now. No other way around it!
Score: 7 Votes (Like | Disagree)
18 hours ago at 12:55 pm
Or you could just delete Twitter and move on from a toxic sludge factory.
Score: 4 Votes (Like | Disagree)
19 hours ago at 12:34 pm
Yep, no login, no seeing tweets so I'll be happily ignorant of anything going on the ****terverse.

So far, this hasn't impacted embedded tweets but who knows what will happen.
Score: 3 Votes (Like | Disagree)
12 hours ago at 07:00 pm
Is it just me, or now you cannot read Twitter without logging into an account?
I just discovered this.

So now Twitter loses out on any advertising revenue from non-subscribed visitors... smart!
Score: 3 Votes (Like | Disagree)

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