Domingo Germán Broke an 11-Year Perfect Game Drought in MLB

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.wsj.com/sports/baseball/domingo-german-perfect-game-yankees-ad62f2ff
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Domingo Germán Broke an 11-Year Perfect Game Drought in MLB

The Yankees pitcher tossed the fourth perfect game in franchise history late Wednesday night against the Oakland A’s

June 29, 2023 7:56 am ET

New York Yankees pitcher Domingo Germán celebrates with teammates after throwing a perfect game against the Oakland A’s. Photo: Stan Szeto/USA TODAY Sports via Reuters Con

Before the season began, New York Yankees pitcher Domingo Germán changed his jersey number from 55 to 0. It turned out to be a prescient move. On Wednesday night, Germán became just the 24th pitcher in MLB history to throw a perfect game, using just 99 pitches to mow through 27 Oakland A’s batters without allowing a single baserunner.

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