Ledger Unveils Tradelink: A Revolutionary Trading and Settlement Network

 1 year ago
source link: https://cryptomode.com/ledger-unveils-tradelink-a-revolutionary-trading-and-settlement-network/
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Ledger Wallet Cryptocurrency cold storage

Esteemed digital asset wallet service, Ledger, has unveiled Tradelink, an innovative trading and settlement network technology. Designed specifically for asset managers, custodians, and off-exchange trading platforms, Tradelink promises to streamline operations, increase efficiency, and eradicate unwarranted complexities.

Tradelink: A Powerful Solution for Digital Asset Trading

Tradelink’s introduction brings a fresh perspective to the world of digital asset trading. The platform permits trading across several exchanges without the need for on-chain liquidity re-balancing. Additionally, it allows for retaining custodial ownership of assets even during off-exchange trading. According to Ledger’s official website, these features add a new dimension of efficiency and fluidity to digital asset management.

Besides its primary functions, Tradelink brings several other notable advantages. It allows for effective risk mitigation in trading collateral across various third-party platforms. By providing easy integration with preferred counterparties, it simplifies the process of transactions and collaboration.

Furthermore, Ledger promises zero transaction fees for using Tradelink, making it an appealing option for businesses seeking to minimize operational costs. 

Strategic Partnerships Strengthen Tradelink’s Launch

As Tradelink takes flight, it garners backing from industry heavyweights. Asset management firms such as Laser Digital and Hodl Group, digital asset trading and orchestration platforms like Wyden are set to be part of this new venture. The early-access list includes renowned OTC brokers/providers and platform partners like Crypto.com, Bitstamp, Huobi, Wintermute, Coinsquare, NDAX, and more. Ledger is providing early-stage access to all of its enterprise clients at no additional expense.

Sebastien Badault, Ledger’s VP of Enterprise Revenue, expressed his optimism about Tradelink’s potential to reshape the industry landscape. He stated, “By unlocking better trading options for enterprises, we are empowering asset managers, custodians, and exchanges to navigate the changing landscape confidently while making the whole ecosystem a safer and more transparent place.”

Ledger: Overcoming Challenges and Driving Growth

Despite facing recent criticism from its online users over a contentious update that raised questions about potential security flaws, Ledger responded with a clear stance, deciding to delay the launch to address these concerns.

Ledger’s resilience is further underscored by its successful Series C extension fundraising round, which saw the company secure a staggering $109 million. The company’s valuation has skyrocketed to $1.4 billion this year, demonstrating its strong growth trajectory.

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