Get the Samsung 2TB T7 portable SSD for its lowest price ever on Amazon

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.neowin.net/deals/get-the-samsung-2tb-t7-portable-ssd-for-its-lowest-price-ever-on-amazon/
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Get the Samsung 2TB T7 portable SSD for its lowest price ever on Amazon

samsung t7 portble ssd

If you need portable storage for your PC or even for your smartphone, it's becoming an easy choice to get a solid-state drive as prices keep going down. That's certainly true of the Samsung T7 portable SSD which is now at its lowest price ever on Amazon in its 2TB edition. You can get the Samsung T7 2TB model for only $114.59 right now.

The Samsung T7 has read speeds of up to 1,050 MB/s and write speeds of up to 1,000 MB/s. Its small case allows it to fit in most pockets and purses. It also comes with both USB-C to C and USB-C to A cables so you can connect it to most PCs and many smartphones.

The Samsung T7 Portable SSD in three color variants

Finally, the Samsung T7 comes with different color choices, with blue, red, and titan grey options. If you need a model with a smaller storage amount, those are available with the Samsung T7 as well at low prices.

If you are looking for some extra storage via a microSD or even a full SD card, Samsung has some nice deals on its models as well on Amazon.

Make sure you also browse through Amazon US, Newegg US, or Amazon UK to find some other great tech deals. Also, check the Deals section of our articles to see if there's anything we've posted in the past few days that could be of interest.

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