"Not running as root. Try "adb root" first." despite trying...

 1 year ago
source link: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/not-running-as-root-try-adb-root-first-despite-trying-adb-root-above.4600237/#post-88695057
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"Not running as root. Try "adb root" first." despite trying "adb root" above

C:\Users\HieAnh>adb root
restarting adbd as root
C:\Users\HieAnh>adb remount
Not running as root. Try "adb root" first.
after i do :"adb root" to cmd,
then i get :"restarting adbd as root"
next i do :"adb remount"
but i get :"Not running as root. Try "adb root" first."
a big question for this problem
my phone is rooted, switch ro.secure=0, ro.debuggle=1
pls help me

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