Angry Email Translator

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/angry-email-translator
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Angry Email Translator

Free AI tool to transform angry emails into polite ones

Angry Email Translator is a free AI tool that transforms your angry, paggro emails into polite and professional sounding ones. Even if you're upset at work, you can ensure your emails sound professional and avoid damaging relationships.
Luminaries AI
World-class coaching, powered by AI
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📣 Introducing Angry Email Translator🚀

Do you ever find yourself frustrated at work, typing out angry emails that could come off poorly and potentially damage relationships? I have, and I know how difficult it can be to maintain a professional tone, especially during stressful moments. That's why I created Angry Email Translator, a free AI-powered web browser tool that transforms your angry, pugnacious emails into polite and professional sounding ones.

Being aware of my own communication shortcomings, I realized the need for a solution. Reviewing my drafts was both time-consuming and challenging, as it's difficult to think clearly during moments of frustration. Plus, it can be tough to identify our own blind spots in communication. Hence, I turned to AI.

By utilizing AI to process my emails, my messages became more polite, positive, and professional, even during the most stressful times. Plus, the more I used AI, the more I noticed an improvement in my own original tone and choice of words as I discovered better words and phrases I could use along the way. I wanted to share this with the world and so I created Angry Email Translator, which is a simple, cheeky product, but yet something that has been immensely useful to me (and I hope for you too!).

I'm eager to hear your thoughts and feedback! Have you ever struggled with maintaining a professional tone in your emails? How do you deal with frustrating moments at work? Try out Angry Email Translator and let me know how if it helps you with your professional communication. 💼💬

P.S. I would greatly appreciate your feedback on the tool and any suggestions you may have for improvement. Thank you!

P.P.S. I have made this tool free for now, but the AI does cost money to run, so please if you find this project meaningful, a donation of any amount would be deeply appreciated (see website).

This is such an amazing idea! I imagine a person writing an angry, curse words filled email, and then forgetting to use this tool before sending it XD Great product, congrats on the launch!
Hi Rye, brilliant idea with the Angry Email Translator! 👏 It's so easy to let emotions spill into our professional correspondence when things get heated. It's impressive how AI can help maintain a professional tone. I wonder, does your tool also help identify passive-aggressive tones? Also, can it offer variable politeness levels for different cultural contexts? Looking forward to your thoughts. Keep up the great work! 👍

@ricardo_luz, thank you so much for your kind words and support 😊 I'm thrilled to hear that you find the Angry Email Translator to be a brilliant idea. You're absolutely right, it is quite easy to let emotions take over in our professional communication, and that's really where AI can really make a difference.

So actually, I have found that Angry Email Translator can detect passive-aggressive nuances, but not always. It does sometimes miss out on detecting sarcasm and so there is certainly scope for improvement. As for cultural contexts, I have put some thought into that aspect too. I think one useful upgrade might be to offer customizable politeness levels, allowing users to adapt their tone based on different cultural norms and expectations, and also the nature and background of the exchange / conversation.

Thank you so much again for your feedback. If you have any more thoughts or questions, feel free to share them. Really appreciate the input 👍🌟

As funny and cool as this is, honestly it's really just an interface to chatGPT with (as far as I can see) no upside to the user in comparison? Except for maybe saving themselves a prompt? I'm not trying to put this idea down at all. I love the concept. However I'm not sure if it's something people will really use or pay for.

As for my experience, I tried using it and it said there were too many requests from my ip address. I don't use a vpn, so I suppose the producthunt ref in the link might be causing you issues.

I like the simplicity of the interface though and the hall of fame is a nice touch!

@alexwastaken thank you for your feedback! I totally understand your perspective that it may seem like simply an interface to ChatGPT. However, I do feel that not everyone may have the same level of expertise or confidence in formulating the right prompt to get the desired outcome! Crafting effective prompts with the right words can be challenging for the not-so-savvy ChatGPT users, and even for those skilled with ChatGPT, it can be difficult when emotions are running high! This tool offers a quick and convenient way for both existing users of ChatGPT and those new to ChatGPT to benefit from this ChatGPT use case.

I understand that the current version appears relatively simple, but it's the initial iteration after all! I'm genuinely excited about the opportunity to further develop this and add more features that significantly increase its value proposition. The positive attention the product has received thus far has only fueled my motivation to dive right into the work and make it even better!

Thanks for your kind words regarding the interface, and haha I am glad you liked the Hall of Fame. I thought it was a cheeky way to showcase the product "in action".

I do appreciate your feedback, and it has certainly given me much to think about. If you have any further thoughts or questions, please don't hesitate to share them. I am always willing to listen and learn! 😊

PS: the issue has been resolved earlier today, and you should be able to access the tool with no problems now!

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