Wyndy - The new way to do relationship management | Product Hunt

 1 year ago
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The new way to do relationship management

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Hello PH'ers!

Been a minute since I had something to post on PH, but super excited to launch Wyndy - a special project from our Labs team here at Copper.

Wyndy is the answer (hopefully) for those small businesses, smaller teams, solopreneurs (and those with endless side hustles) who need a smart, fluid way to manage their key relationships...without the structure of and investment in traditional CRMs. We thought...what if we took dynamic contact management, combined that with the ease and simplicity of a spreadsheet, connected it to your inbox(es) - then added an intelligence layer on top to create the best relationship management assistant you’ve ever had? What would that look like?!?

Well...kind of like Wyndy.

📧 **Connect all your inboxes** to keep your multiple hustles in one place. No more bouncing between Gmail accounts.

🗣️ **Track 3-years of email history** with each contact.

🏓 Introducing **the Pingboard**! Wyndy’s answer to the traditional task list. It’s simple, but potent.

- Wyndy’s engine analyzes your email history and creates a daily list of "Suggested Pings" based on your communication history, cadence, missed emails - and more.

- Your Pingboard is just a simple list of people you should be pinging. We give you a name - you know what to do with it.

- The Pingboard clears daily. No overdue tasks, no annoying notifications, and no task shaming. Every day is a new day.

- Wyndy’s AI assistant will also help you draft emails - giving you more time to scale.

Obviously, this is a v1 so would love your feedback - even if the product isn't a fit for you. Are we on the right track here??

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Joyk means Joy of geeK