The launch of the magic-based FPS Immortals of Aveum has been delayed by a month

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.neowin.net/news/the-launch-of-the-magic-based-fps-immortals-of-aveum-has-been-delayed-by-a-month/
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The launch of the magic-based FPS Immortals of Aveum has been delayed by a month

Immortals of Aveum

One of our most anticipated Xbox games of 2023 will not make its originally announced release date. The good news is that the delay is a fairly short one. Ascendant Studios has revealed that its magic-based first-person shooter Immortals of Aveum will miss its original release date of July 20, and will now launch just over a month later on August 22.

In a post on the developer's website, Ascendant Studios says that the team has appreciated the reactions to the game from both gamers and the press who got to play a build during the Summer Games Fest earlier in June. It added:

The recent feedback to the game proves to us what we already felt: that Immortals of Aveum is something special. In order to realize our full vision, we are going to take a few extra weeks, making our new launch date Tuesday, August 22nd. This will give us time to further polish the game, finish optimizing all platforms, and deliver a strong launch. We owe it to ourselves and to you to get this right.

Immortals of Aveum will be a singleplayer FPS, but the dev team claims that it will have a lengthy campaign of 25 hours. Here's a quick summary of its gameplay:

Stop the Everwar, save the realms. Immortals of Aveum is a single-player first person magic shooter that tells the story of Jak as he joins an elite order of battlemages to save a world on the edge of abyss. Master three colors of magic and unleash spells with deadly skill in a game that defies FPS conventions.

The game uses Epic's Unreal Engine 5.1 to deliver its visuals. PC gamers may need to upgrade their hardware, as the game's system specs are a bit on the high side.

Electronic Arts is publishing the game, which will also launch on the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X and S consoles. You can pre-order the console editions now on Amazon.

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