Development - [Kernel][Overclocked] No Gravity [2023-04-30][ProtonClang] | Page...

 1 year ago
source link: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/kernel-overclocked-no-gravity-2023-04-30-protonclang.4328217/page-31#post-88614541
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amazing work✨ my stock miui become beast!! even my vayu runs genshin smoothest than ma friend's throttled 8gen1😂😆 thanks for making this masterpiece. you are the best!!
amazing work✨ my stock miui become beast!! even my vayu runs genshin smoothest than ma friend's throttled 8gen1😂😆 thanks for making this masterpiece. you are the best!!

Glad you like it

ngk 1.4 is worse than ngk 1.3
vowifi not working on ngk 1.4 , and battery drain
I reverted to ngk 1.3

This is x3pro thread

Alright, I want to try this kernel. I'm on ArrowOS 13.1 and I don't wanna root my phone because it's not worth it for me.
If you can answer the questions that I'm going to ask that would be great help because I just started to use a custom ROM and I'm pretty new at this.
1- What can I expect from this Kernel as a non-gamer? Will my 6h SoT rise?
2- Do I have to reinstall ArrowOS if I want to install this Kernel? Also do I need magisk?
Thank you in advance.

Screen on time will vary depending on your usage. Kernel has optimizations for performance as well as for battery life. Im a non gamer myself and getting decent battery life out of it. Im using root & ngk app to further improve the battery life of the kernel tho.
You do not have to reinstall arrow, simpky flash ngk over it and you'll be fine. Works best with magisk / root but can also be used without root / app. That's up to you.
You can go back to stock kernel anytime by simply dorty flashing your current ROM over itself (same as doing a rom update)

Screen on time will vary depending on your usage. Kernel has optimizations for performance as well as for battery life. Im a non gamer myself and getting decent battery life out of it. Im using root & ngk app to further improve the battery life of the kernel tho.
You do not have to reinstall arrow, simpky flash ngk over it and you'll be fine. Works best with magisk / root but can also be used without root / app. That's up to you.
You can go back to stock kernel anytime by simply dorty flashing your current ROM over itself (same as doing a rom update)

Oh alright thanks mate.

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