Onsite Earlybird tickets for Meeting C++ 2023 are sold out

 1 year ago
source link: http://meetingcpp.com/meetingcpp/news/items/Onsite-Earlybird-tickets-for-Meeting-Cpp-2023-are-sold-out.html
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Onsite Earlybird tickets for Meeting C++ 2023 are sold out

published at 05.06.2023 14:57 by Jens Weller
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Onsite Early Bird Tickets are now sold out, roughly after being available for about 7 weeks.

As this ticket type was limited from the start, its no surprise that its now sold out. Though this did take a bit longer then thought, as the ticket with hotel has proven to be as popular. There is a Normal Ticket on sale now for those who don't need a ticket with hotel. The ticket with hotel is available this and next quarter, though I've split them into quarterly batches to do the booking of the rooms earlier for the first batch.

The planning for Meeting C++ 2023 continues, currently focused on the call for talks with hosting the speaking about C++ event last week.

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