GitHub - miroslavpejic85/mirotalkbro: 📡 MiroTalk WebRTC Live Broadcast allows to...

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MiroTalk WebRTC Live Broadcast

MiroTalk WebRTC Live Broadcast allows to broadcast live video, audio and screen stream to all connected users (viewers) and receive messages from them. Can handle unlimited rooms, without time limitations, each having a broadcast and many viewers.



For questions, discussions, help & support, join with us on discord

Quick Start

Start the app using nodejs:

# Copy .env.template in .env and edit it if needed
$ cp .env.template .env
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
# Run the app
$ npm start

Start the app using docker and docker-compose and optional official image:

# Copy .env.template in .env and edit it if needed
$ cp .env.template .env
# Copy docker-compose.template.yml in docker-compose.yml and edit it if needed
$ cp docker-compose.template.yml docker-compose.yml
# Building the image or get the official one: docker-compose pull
$ docker-compose build
# Run the image in a container
$ docker-compose up #-d

Server up and running

Server is running {
  home: 'http://localhost:3016',
  broadcast: 'http://localhost:3016/broadcast?id=123&name=Broadcaster',
  viewer: 'http://localhost:3016/viewer?id=123&name=Viewer'

The app should now be running on your http://localhost:3016, you can choose if join room as a Broadcaster or Viewer.

The Broadcaster stream the audio, video or screen to all connected viewers and can receive messages from them.

The Viewer get the audio, video or screen that is streamed from the broadcaster and can send messages to it.

Direct Join



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Other MiroTalk projects:

MiroTalk C2C
MiroTalk P2P
MiroTalk SFU
MiroTalk WEB

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