A not-so-quick introduction to the C++ allocator model

 1 year ago
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A not-so-quick introduction to the C++ allocator model

My paper P1144R8 “std::is_trivially_relocatable has, in the past few months, been joined by three(!) papers out of Bloomberg:

  • P2786R1 “Trivial relocatability options” (Gill, Meredith)
  • P2839R0 “Nontrivial relocation via a new owning reference type” (Bi, Berne)
  • P2814R0 “Comparing P1144 with P2786” (Gill, Meredith, O’Dwyer)

The reason for this sudden interest is that trivial relocatability turns out to have some surprising interactions with one of Bloomberg’s pet interests: the polymorphic allocator model, known as “PMR.” In tomorrow’s post I’ll display some of those surprising interactions, but today let’s lay the groundwork by simply describing the current allocator model and its customization points.

Throughout this post, I’ll be referring to “std::pmr” or “PMR,” but it’s important to keep in mind that Bloomberg’s own implementation of the standard library (the “BSL”) does not use std::pmr! Instead, the BSL defines their equivalent of std::allocator to be a stateful, non-propagating allocator á là std::pmr::polymorphic_allocator, so that their std::vector is PMR-like by default. You must go far out of your way, at Bloomberg, to encounter a container that works the same way as in the ordinary C++ STL.

The basic idea is that instead of pulling memory allocations from one big global heap, PMR lets us create smaller local memory arenas as well. When we create an object (in the classical OOP sense), we decide which memory arena it’ll be associated with. Every allocation related to that object will come from that same memory arena. If the object contains a vector<string>, the vector’s dynamically allocated buffer will come from the object’s arena. If it’s a vector<string>, then each string in the vector will allocate from the object’s arena. And so on.

The Standard Library uses the term “memory resources” in place of “arenas,” but I won’t do so in this post, to avoid confusion with “resource management.” The Resources that are Allocated in RAII might be allocated from an arena (a “memory resource”), but they’re not arenas (“memory resources”) themselves.

In the polymorphic allocator model, “transferring ownership” of a memory allocation is possible only for objects within the same arena. If object O1 lives in arena A1, and object O2 lives in arena A2, then an “assignment” like O1 = std::move(O2); cannot transfer any pointers from O2 into O1 — they point into the wrong arena! The assignment must allocate a fresh copy of O2’s data in arena A1. This completely nerfs C++11 move semantics… but that’s fine, because move semantics are a subset of value semantics, and what we’re doing here isn’t value semantics. In PMR-world, we’re not concerned with objects’ Platonic values but with their identities, just like in classical OOP.

I believe in this context O1 = O2; is a solecism: in a perfect world it would be written in the classical “sit-O1-in-memory-and-poke-at-it” syntax, O1.populateFrom(O2), and O2 would advertise itself as immobile rather than pretending to be movable when it’s not really. But then the STL would need two different vector-like classes with two completely different APIs, instead of being able to reuse the same template for both. std::vector<T,A> doesn’t change its API depending on whether A is std::allocator or a stateful PMR-style allocator; it merely changes that API’s meaning.

For more information, see this Bloomberg GitHub wiki page on the BDE Allocator Model. (However, I’ve been informed it’s pretty out-of-date.)

Ordinary C++C++17 PMRBSL
(no equivalent)std::pmr::memory_resourcebslma::Allocator
(the global heap)std::pmr::get_default_resource()bslma::Default::allocator(nullptr)
(no equivalent)std::pmr::monotonic_buffer_resourcebdlma::BufferedSequentialAllocator
(no need)std::uses_allocator_v<C, std::pmr::memory_resource*>bslma::UsesBslmaAllocator<C>
std::vector<std::string> v;
v.push_back("hello world, for example");
char buf[10'000];
auto mr = std::pmr::monotonic_buffer_resource(buf, sizeof(buf));
auto v = std::pmr::vector<std::pmr::string>(&mr);
v.push_back("hello world, for example");
assert(v[0].get_allocator().resource() == &mr);
char buf[10'000];
auto mr = bdlma::BufferedSequentialAllocator(buf, sizeof(buf));
auto v = bsl::vector<bsl::string>(&mr);
v.push_back("hello world, for example");
assert(v[0].get_allocator().mechanism() == &mr);

Before we go any further, you should also note and internalize the subtle inefficiency of the naïve PMR and BSL code snippets above. vector::push_back here takes an rvalue reference to a pmr::string temporary, which we constructed using the converting constructor from const char* and the default memory arena (the global heap). Then, push_back emplaces a copy of that temporary into the vector, using string’s allocator-extended move constructor. This copies the characters from the default memory arena into v’s own memory arena (mr). Finally, the original temporary is destroyed, freeing the default arena’s allocation.

For performance, we could write v.emplace_back("hello..."), which eliminates the temporary, albeit at the cost of template bloat. Alternatively, v.push_back(std::pmr::string("hello...", &mr)), which makes the temporary use the same arena as v.

The “Ordinary C++” snippet has no such inefficiency, because the temporary string and the vector share the same memory arena: the global heap.


Recall the difference between push_back(x) and emplace_back(args...): the former uses X’s move or copy constructor to insert the new element, and the latter uses X(args...). You could imagine that emplace_back does a placement-new:

void *where = &data_[size_];
::new (where) value_type(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
size_ += 1;

In fact it adds a layer of indirection instead:

using AT = std::allocator_traits<allocator_type>;
AT::construct(get_allocator(), where, std::forward<Args>(args)...);

allocator_traits::construct(a, where, args...) will call a.construct(where, args...) if possible; otherwise it’ll just placement-new. For most allocators — including std::allocator — it’ll placement-new. But an allocator’s author is allowed to make their construct method do whatever they want.

In the STL, both pmr::polymorphic_allocator<T> and scoped_allocator_adaptor<Allocs...> provide non-trivial construct methods.

Allocator-extended constructors

Recall that pmr::polymorphic_allocator<T> wants to enforce the invariant that each “level” of a vector<vector<vector<...>>> uses the same arena. It achieves this by intercepting every object-construction — via construct — and adding itself as an extra constructor argument. If std::allocator does basically this:

template<class U, class... Args>
static void construct(U *where, Args&&... args) {
    ::new (where) U(std::forward<Args>(args)...);

then std::pmr::polymorphic_allocator does basically this:

template<class U, class... Args>
void construct(U *where, Args&&... args) const {
    if constexpr (uses_allocator_v<U, decltype(*this)>) {
        ::new (where) U(std::forward<Args>(args)..., *this);
    } else {
        ::new (where) U(std::forward<Args>(args)...);

Here I’ve omitted some arcane details of uses-allocator construction. In real life, polymorphic_allocator::construct uses std::make_obj_using_allocator, which takes care of those arcane details; but if I just showed you the real-life code below, you’d probably say “Hey! That doesn’t clarify anything!”

template<class U, class... Args>
void construct(U *where, Args&&... args) const {
    ::new (where) U(std::make_obj_using_allocator<U>(*this, std::forward<Args>(args)...));

Every allocator-aware class type in C++ provides two versions of each of its constructors: the ordinary user-facing constructor, and an “allocator-extended” constructor for use by std::make_obj_using_allocator. Each constructor invariably comes in both versions, even the special ones like the default constructor.

struct W {
  using allocator_type = A;

  explicit W(); // default ctor
  explicit W(allocator_type); // allocator-extended default ctor

  W(int); // converting ctor from int
  explicit W(int, allocator_type); // allocator-extended version

  W(W&&); // move ctor
  explicit W(W&&, allocator_type); // allocator-extended move ctor

The first version is used by ordinary code:

W w1;
W w2 = 42;
W w3 = std::move(w2);

The second version is used by std::make_obj_using_allocator; its purpose is to create the W object and associate it with a specific memory arena.

std::vector<W, A>
v.emplace_back(); // constructs W(v.get_allocator())

That’s a lot of machinery to produce a simple outcome: Allocator A can (if it likes) ensure that v[0] invariably gets constructed with the same allocator — the same memory arena — as v itself.

Notice that std::allocator doesn’t care to do this; it has no state to propagate downward. And std::scoped_allocator_adaptor has a different goal: it wants to associate each level with a different allocator. Other (third-party) allocators may have yet different goals.

Sideways propagation

Finally, C++ allocators can propagate not only downward but sideways — from one container object to another — as if the allocator were part of the container’s value. This applies to all the value-semantic operations that take two arguments: copy-assignment, move-assignment, and swap. For historical reasons, each of these three operations is controlled by its own individual trait; but really they come as a package deal.

If your allocator propagates on container copy-assignment, move-assignment, and swap, then it enables traditional move semantics: you can always pilfer the pointers from the right-hand container, because you’re pilfering the allocator right along with it. On the other hand, this means you don’t care about the state of your original allocator — one allocator is just as good as another — which means your allocators are effectively stateless, like std::allocator.

Since PMR allocators carry important state (the identity of the arena), they’re not interchangeable and therefore don’t propagate. They’re “sticky.” Remember, PMR is for classical OOP objects: an OOP object sits in one place its whole life, and its allocator sits right there with it. Assigning into a std::pmr::vector with = doesn’t change its arena.

You might ask, what happens if I swap two pmr::vectors with different arenas? Well, technically that’s undefined behavior. In practice every library vendor will swap the pointers but keep the arenas the same, which causes heap corruption when the first vector goes out of scope and asks its arena to deallocate a pointer that never came from that arena in the first place. This is widely regarded as a bad move.

Allocator is not salient state

“Normative Language to Describe Value Copy Semantics” (Lakos, 2007) defined salient state as the stuff inside an object that contributes to its value. The value is the abstract thing that gets copied by the copy operations, compared by the comparison operators (if any), and so on. For example, the size of a vector is a salient attribute; but the capacity of a vector is non-salient.

Is the arena of a pmr::vector salient state? No, because it is not copied by the copy operations. (If you copy-construct a pmr::vector, you get the default arena. If you copy-assign a pmr::vector, the size is copied over with the rest of the value, but the allocator remains unchanged.)

In fact, it’s pretty obvious in present-day C++ that pmr::vector<int> isn’t a value-semantic type at all, unless you add some preconditions on its non-salient state. For example, two value-semantic objects of the same type can be swapped; but swapping two arbitrary pmr::vectors is UB. We may say that pmr::vector behaves value-semantically as long as all relevant objects come from the same arena as pmr::get_default_resource().

This causes PMR no end of growing pains as we evolve the value-semantic parts of C++. Even N2479 predated and was partly obsoleted by C++11 move semantics.

For example, P1825 changed the behavior of this snippet between C++17 and C++20:

auto mr1 = std::pmr::monotonic_buffer_resource();
auto &mr2 = *std::pmr::get_default_resource();
std::pmr::string a[2] = {
  std::pmr::string("hello", &mr1),
  std::pmr::string("world", &mr1),
std::vector<std::pmr::string> v;
  std::make_move_iterator(a + 2),
  [](auto&& r) { return r; }
#if __cplusplus >= 202000
assert(v[0].get_allocator().resource() == &mr1);
assert(v[0].get_allocator().resource() == &mr2);

Nobody (not even me!) noticed this change as it happened. I’d like to think that even if we had noticed it, we wouldn’t have altered course.

In the next post, we’ll see several ways that PMR’s lack of value semantics can bite us when we try to apply value-semantic operations — like relocation! — to PMR objects.

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Joyk means Joy of geeK