How do you find clients for your services

 1 year ago
source link: https://lobste.rs/s/peniah/how_do_you_find_clients_for_your_services
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How do you find clients for your services


This might be very broad question but I would love to hear from the community when they started out as a freelancer or a consultant providing services how did you take your start and how were you able to land your first gig?

What are some tips or advice for someone going down that path

  1. djx

    8 hours ago

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    I recommend this book: https://www.amazon.com/Irresistible-Consultants-Guide-Winning-Clients/dp/1683501640

    It has tangible advice on each step of the process of becoming a consultant. One tip that comes to mind is “go where the fish are”, meaning you need to identify who can use your services and go where they are (conferences, support forums, workshops, etc.)

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