Founders by DogpatchLabs

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/founders-by-dogpatchlabs
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The makers of Founders by DogpatchLabs
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"Hi there, I'm Jack O'Regan Kenny, excited to be part of the Dogpatch Labs team bringing you Founders. Our mission is to empower extraordinary individuals to co-create and launch startups. With our unique program, we're investing in people, not just ideas. We provide a €2,000 monthly stipend to participants and an opportunity to pitch for a €100,000 investment. Can't wait to see the innovative startups that emerge from this journey! Feel free to ask any questions - I'm here to help!
This is basically what I wish existed when wanted to do a startup but I didn't have an idea or cofounder yet. Going off the engineers, builders and biz devs that have applied already this is going to be an amazing cohort of 45 people, wrapped in the Dogpatch community, wrapped in the ecosystem with 50 of our ecosystems top entrepreneurs as mentors. Best case scenario you meet a dream co-founder, get €100k investment within 12 weeks and straight onto a pre-seed round. Worst case scenario your network will explode, you'll be deeply immersed in the ecosystem, you'll be exposed amazing mentors and end up working in a pre-seed, seed, Series A+ startup. Eitherway its a no-lose scenario if you want to be in the startup world.
Visited Dogpatch in December last year and attended the last 'First Fridays for Startups' of the year. Really inspiring room of people. This Founder's programme looks amazing.
I would totally do this. Love the idea of working with a bunch of smart people - rapidly building stuff and seeing where it goes. A 3 month hackathon with a €100k carrot.

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Joyk means Joy of geeK