Apple @ Work Podcast: Passkeys, Touch ID, and a world without passwords

 1 year ago
source link: https://9to5mac.com/2023/06/02/passkeys-touch-id-and-a-world-without-passwords/
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Apple @ Work Podcast: Passkeys, Touch ID, and a world without passwords

Apple at work podcast

Apple @ Work is brought to you by Mosyle, the only Apple Unified Platform. Mosyle is the only solution that fully integrates 5 different applications on a single Apple-only platform, allowing Businesses to easily and automatically deploy, manage & protect all their Apple devices. Over 38,000 organizations leverage Mosyle solutions to automate the deployment,  management, and security of millions of Apple devices daily. Request a FREE account today and discover how you can put your Apple fleet on auto-pilot at a price point that is hard to believe.

In this episode of Apple @ Work, I talk with John Bennett CEO of Dashlane about the state of Passkeys, why it dramatically improves security, and how Touch ID led to a world where users trust biometrics.


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