Azure Linux with SolidFire iSCSI targets

 1 year ago
source link: https://scaleoutsean.github.io/2023/05/29/microsoft-azure-linux-with-solidfire-iscsi.html
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Azure Linux with SolidFire iSCSI targets

29 May 2023 -

Less than 1 minute read

Now that Azure Linux is out, maybe some SolidFire users wonder if Azure Linux iSCSI can connect to SolidFire targets?

I don’t think there are many such users out there because although Azure Linux can run anywhere, it’s probably going to be rare in on-premises environments.

Because of that I’m not going to look too hard into that. Instead I’ll do a quick documentation sweep.

First, iSCSI is available:

  • iscsi-initiator-utils-
  • iscsi-initiator-utils-devel-
  • iscsi-initiator-utils-iscsiuio-

While this seems like a no-brainer, don’t take it for granted. Slim distributions often don’t have iSCSI initiator built in.

Second, based on the information from CBL repository, it seems some VMware Photon SPEC files have been reused in Azure Linux.

I blogged about iSCSI on Photon and got it to work with SolidFire. It wasn’t trivial and without issues.

I haven’t attempted to compare iSCSI from Azure Linux with Photon, but if anyone tries Azure Linux with SolidFire, maybe referencing that post on Photon may help them.

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