Vampire: The Masquerade - Justice Heads To Venice This Fall On Quest & PSVR...

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.uploadvr.com/vampire-the-masquerade-justice-vr-announcement-quest-2/
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Justice Comes To Quest 2 This FallSkip to content

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Vampire: The Masquerade - Justice brings the World of Darkness back to VR, arriving this fall on Quest 2, Quest 3 and PSVR 2.

Developed by Fast Travel Games, Justice marks their second venture into Paradox's World of Darkness series, following 2021's Wraith: The Oblivion - Afterlife. A new adventure RPG, you play as a Vampire hiding in the shadows of Venice within a "gritty" narrative that includes "several side missions and dialogue options," armed with a crossbow used for puzzle solving and combat.

Fast Travel Games outlined the abilities on offer in a press release – you'll be able to use a Cloak of Shadows to "hide from the guilty in plain sight," boil your victim's insides with Cauldron of Blood, or drag them into Oblivion with a Shadow Trap. You'll earn XP by completing missions and optional objectives, and can purchase new disciplines in skill trees for stealth, combat, and high-speed traversal.

“Justice allows players to experience the tantalizing world of Vampire: The Masquerade like never before, thanks to the power of virtual reality," says Erik Odeldahl, Creative Director and co-founder of Fast Travel Games in a prepared statement. "Get ready to get up close and personal with allies, enemies, and of course, prey, all in stunning VR. There is no shortage of mysterious Kindred to meet, exotic locales to traverse, or foes to splatter on the architecture.”

Vampire: The Masquerade - Justice launches in Fall 2023 on the Meta Quest platform and PSVR 2.

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