Senses Social Network

 1 year ago
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New art form at your finger tips

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Hi, my name is Artem, I'm the CEO and co-founder of Senses.

Senses is a social media platform for graphic storytelling.

🚀 Our mission:

We wanted to make Senses real. That's why we decided to do Live photos right away. Live photos convey our real emotions that we can't show in a photo and that we unfortunately can fake in a video. At the same time, we tried to find the format of the app in which you don't have to appear better than you are. And we think we succeeded. By immersing yourself in Senses, in the design code, in the philosophy, in the idea, in the emotion, even not the best photo looks great.

Lately the world has become too complicated, everybody is trying to divide it, to impose their view of the world and to show that they're right. We want to show at Senses that it doesn't matter where you're from, no matter what nationality you are, no matter what financial means you have. Most people really want to see the beauty of this world, the kindness, to raise children and be happy, to create, not destroy. We would like to do everything so that Senses can unite people all over the world without regard to their ethnicity, race, color, orientation and any other differences. We want to find a humanity where everyone is unique, but everyone is human.

🤖 Our technology:

Live Photos: Senses is probably the first app that wants to make Live photos mainstream. Perhaps we see the same potential and magic in it that we saw in Apple. A Live photo is not a video, it's not a GIF, it's different. And it's understandable if you don't try to take regular Live photos. Live photos aren't good for everything. But if you find that you can take the perfect Live photo, you'll feel its magic.

AI: A GPT neural network is built inside Senses to help you come up with a description for your photo. In the future, AI will also help you tell why your photo is art.

But the interesting thing about AI is our experiment: we created our own neural network, which we taught to use Senses like a human. It watches your Senses, reads your comments, likes, replies to you, and of course publishes the Senses itself. We didn't just lay down some algorithm for watching your Senses, we tried to give our neural network a mood. Some senses may improve its mood, while others, on the contrary, may cause it to deteriorate. And all this will be reflected in the content it is trying to create. We use different tools (GPT, MidJourney, Leonardo, etc) for her, just like when you use a camera to take a photo. So far we have only one such user, who is probably extremely difficult to distinguish from a real person. This experiment has nothing to do with our mission, and perhaps even contradicts it. But nevertheless, we are trying to show that in today's world there may soon be no real person left at all. So let's appreciate it.

Step-by-step video: This is a new video format that can simplify content creation for people who create instructional videos or video recipes, for example. Each segment of the video will end, and your viewer will only turn on the next one when they are ready to move on. He won't have to pause and then start the video again.

Recommendations: This is one of the most sophisticated technologies in modern social media. We have tried to use new approaches to this task. We believe that already now we can more accurately select for you content and interesting users, and for today the problem is only a small amount of content, as we are just starting out.

💰 Our Monetization:

In addition to standard tools (targeting, etc), at Senses we want to offer a native format of advertising, when already a novice blogger can monetize his content in a non-destructive way. Each blogger will be able to choose a manual or automatic advertising mode, which will be embedded in his Senses. This will allow you to monetize your content for the blogger, but without destroying the app with one ad.

🎨 Our design:

We tried to make Senses something fundamentally new and fresh, something aesthetically pleasing. We think we succeeded, because the first comments we got when we started showing screenshots of our app were like, "I don't know what you have there, but I want to see it just because of how it looks.

🤩 I'd be more than happy to get your comments, feedback and reviews and will answer any questions you may have.

Thank you!

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