GitHub - CyrisXD/GameDealGenie-ChatGPT-Plugin: ChatGPT plugin to get the current...

 1 year ago
source link: https://github.com/CyrisXD/GameDealGenie-ChatGPT-Plugin
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Game Deal Genie - ChatGPT Plugin

This is an open-source ChatGPT plugin that provides current deals on PC games. It is written as a Node/JavaScript version.

This plugin has not been submitted to ChatGPT so it can only be run locally or via the online version through the "Develop your own plugin" feature.


Screenshot of Game Deals Genie

To install the online version:

  • Go to the ChatGPT plugin store
  • Click 'Develop your own plugin'
  • Paste this url and accept

To run locally:

Clone the repository to your local machine:

git clone https://github.com/CyrisXD/GameDealGenie-ChatGPT-Plugin.git

Install dependencies and run

npm install
npm start
  • Go to the ChatGPT plugin store
  • Click 'Develop your own plugin'
  • Enter localhost:3000 and accept

Prompt examples you can ask Game Deal Genie

  1. "What are the current PC game deals?"
  2. "Can you show me the deals for games on Steam?"
  3. "What are the deals for games with a Metacritic rating above 80?"
  4. "Can you find deals for games that are currently on sale?"
  5. "Show me the deals for games with a price less than $20."
  6. "What are the deals for AAA games?"
  7. "Show me the deals for games with a Steam review rating above 90."
  8. "What are the deals for the game with the Steam App ID 730?"
  9. "Can you find deals for games with the title 'Cyberpunk'?"
  10. "What are the current deals sorted by 'Deal Rating'?"

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