[webapps] Jedox 2022.4.2 - Disclosure of Database Credentials via Connection Che...

 1 year ago
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Jedox 2022.4.2 - Disclosure of Database Credentials via Connection Checks



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Vulnerable App:

# Exploit Title: Jedox 2022.4.2 - Disclosure of Database Credentials via Connection Checks
# Date: 28/04/2023
# Exploit Author: Team Syslifters / Christoph MAHRL, Aron MOLNAR, Patrick PIRKER and Michael WEDL
# Vendor Homepage: https://jedox.com
# Version: Jedox 2022.4 (22.4.2) and older
# CVE : CVE-2022-47880

An information disclosure vulnerability in `/be/rpc.php` allows remote authenticated users with the appropriate permissions to modify database connections to disclose the clear text credentials via the `test connection` function. To exploit the vulnerability, the attacker must set the host of the database connection to a server under his control.

See [Docs Syslifters](https://docs.syslifters.com/) for a detailed write-up on how to exploit vulnerability.

Proof of Concept
1) The host part of a database connection can be changed in the connections details in the UI. Set the Host to a server that you control.

2) Test the database connection.

3) The webserver initiates a connection to the server that you control. Use wireshark to capture network traffic and to ultimately extract the database credentials.

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