Google, Sonos Head To Trial in Contentious Smart Speaker Patent Fight - Slashdot

 1 year ago
source link: https://tech.slashdot.org/story/23/05/05/1521256/google-sonos-head-to-trial-in-contentious-smart-speaker-patent-fight
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Google, Sonos Head To Trial in Contentious Smart Speaker Patent Fight

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Sonos and Alphabet's Google will face off in a San Francisco federal trial on Monday over claims that Google copied Sonos' patented smart-speaker technology in wireless audio devices like Google Home and Chromecast Audio. From a report: The case is part of a sprawling intellectual property dispute between the former business partners that includes other lawsuits in the U.S., Canada, France, Germany and the Netherlands. Sonos has asked the court for $90 million in damages from Google in the San Francisco case, down from $3 billion after U.S. District Judge William Alsup narrowed the case, according to a Google court filing. Sonos alleges Google infringed two of its patents related to multi-room wireless audio. Google spokesperson Jose Castaneda said the case relates to "some very specific features that are not commonly used," and that Sonos "mischaracterized our partnership and technology."

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