Microsoft revamping New Outlook for Windows with classic calendar style (ICS)

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.neowin.net/news/microsoft-revamping-new-outlook-for-windows-with-classic-calendar-style-ics/
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Microsoft revamping New Outlook for Windows with classic calendar style (ICS)

Outlook logo (monochrome) on blue and light grey background

The Microsoft 365 roadmap can often reveal interesting, upcoming changes that the Redmond giant has plans for. For example, one of the recent changes suggests that Microsoft will soon add the option to pause automatic firmware updates on Teams Android. In case you missed these, you can read about them in more detail here.

One of the latest changes on the M365 roadmap shows that Microsoft is working on the support for ICS file format in the new Outlook. With ICS or Internet Calendaring and Scheduling file (iCalendar), Microsoft hopes to make the new Outlook client mimic the experience that is offered on the classic Outlook for Windows. In case you haven't been following, the new Outlook began rolling out in March.

The M365 roadmap says:

Outlook: New Outlook for Windows - ICS support

ICS is a file format that holds event and calendar information and enables users to share that information through email. With full ICS support in the new Outlook for Windows, users will be able to view local ICS files and import them to their calendar. This mimics the experience currently available in classic Outlook for Windows.

The feature ID for this change is 128028 and the classic Calendar in New Outlook will be generally available in a few months' time by October.

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