Superchat - ChatGPT for iPhone

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/superchat-chatgpt-for-iphone
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A delightful AI chat client for your iPhone

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Hey everyone!

I'm excited to announce that Superchat is finally available on the App Store! After receiving feedback from over 1000 beta testers in the last two months, I'm thrilled to finally make Superchat available to everyone.

Superchat's key features are:

- A delightful and smooth user experience ✨ - The ability to bring your own API key (use your own OpenAI API key for Superchat) 🔑 - Special characters that go beyond just system prompts 💬 - A privacy-focused approach, with all your chats stored locally and no account needed to use Superchat 🔒

And that's not all! I'm already working on new updates and have many more great ideas to make Superchat the best ChatGPT client for iPhone.

I'd love to hear your feedback and any ideas you have for future updates. Let me know what you think in the comments!

Cheers, Laurids

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Joyk means Joy of geeK