Inbound Lead Conversion by Outplay

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/inbound-lead-conversion-by-outplay
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Scheduling, enrichment & routing for accelerated conversions

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Every sales team knows the pain of having a hot lead slip by :(

Every marketing team knows that when time is lost between a form-fill and enrichment, the deal could be lost as well.

Well dear Product Hunters, we’ve been hard at work to change that with the launch of "Inbound Lead Conversion" by Outplay 🥳

We’ve made it our mission to skyrocket your speed to lead to make sure no deal slips through the cracks. “Inbound Lead Conversion” by Outplay helps you:

✅ Act instantly on demo requests and hot leads with embeddable calendars for hassle-free, one-click scheduling from your website. ✅ Ensure that there’s no time lost in finding the right rep by using automated round-robin assignment. ✅ Instantly enrich and qualify form-submits from your webinars, events, content or other marketing campaigns to cut time to engagement. ✅ Capture and nurture leads down the funnel with automation-powered multi-channel sequences

We’ve all felt the pain of having to implement multiple tools to achieve each of these things - losing precious time between each step. With this launch, we want to help you stop losing deals, and lose your complicated stack of tools instead.

We truly appreciate you dropping by here and evaluating our offering. We’re proud to be a part of this incredible community. And we mean it when we say that we couldn’t grow without your feedback and support.

Looking forward to hearing what you guys think. 🙏

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