Microsoft is bringing macOS integration to Universal Print

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.neowin.net/news/microsoft-is-bringing-macos-integration-to-universal-print/
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Microsoft is bringing macOS integration to Universal Print

macOS Universal Print

Microsoft has added a notable item to the Microsoft 365 Roadmap recently, involving its printing tool Universal Print. This addition will bring full integration with macOS to the product, providing a seamless printing experience from any app on the platform.

Universal Print was originally announced in the spring of 2020, launching a year later in the spring of 2021, as a new service specifically for education and enterprise customers. Effectively, it is Microsoft's own way of managing printers without businesses needing to have a dedicated print server on site as well as the requirement for printer drivers.

Microsoft has been developing and adding further integrations to Universal Print over the past years. Microsoft Excel on the web gaining compatibility at the end of 2021, and further enterprise-orientated upgrades such as being able to grant delegated admin support for localised management. Information available on the printer jobs page was also added at the end of 2022.

This update to Universal Print is listed as in development and is currently scheduled to be available in Preview during June 2023 with a full public rollout due to start in September 2023.

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