NPCI partners with fintech startups to launch RuPay powered health card for empl...

 1 year ago
source link: https://nextbigwhat.com/npci-partners-with-fintech-startups-to-launch-rupay-powered-health-card-for-employed-indians/
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CCI granted power to penalize tech companies based on global turnover

  • The Competition (Amendment) Bill, 2022 seeks to capture deals happening in global digital companies with a strong business presence in India.
  • Any deals with a value over Rs 2,000 crore must be notified to the Competition Commission of India (CCI).
  • The CCI has been granted the power to penalize tech companies based on global turnover.


Softbank Group to gain $2.7 billion after Alibaba shares sale

  • Softbank Group will gain $2.7 billion after selling Alibaba Group Holdings shares to its wholly owned subsidiary Shiodome Project 17 GK.


India’s Telecom Regulator Orders Telcos to Report Major Network Outages

Image Credit: Medianama
  • India’s telecom regulator, TRAI, has directed telcos to report major network outages.
  • These incidents must be reported to TRAI within 24 hours of their occurrence.


NPCI partners with fintech startups to launch RuPay powered health card for employed Indians

Image Credit: BusinessToday
  • NPCI has signed a pact with fintech startups to launch RuPay powered health card for employed Indians.
  • The card can be used in both virtual and physical forms.
  • It is integrated within the QubeHealth mobile app and offers a fully digital onboarding process, UPI P2M payments, and cashback rewards.


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