Creating a Drama-Free Workplace - Anna Maravelas | Miniwise

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.nextbigwhat.com/ideas/creating-a-drama-free-workplace-anna-maravelas/
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The Four Ways To Assert Yourself

When you act assertively, you can combine that attitude with either anger or warmth in four ways:

  1. Angry and assertive – People who use this approach demean and insult others. This behaviour is rare in most workplaces. 
  2. Angry and not assertive – People who use this tactic mix hostility and low assertiveness to create an attitude of “cold contempt.” Eventually, employees may avoid or conspire against each other.
  3. Warm and not assertive – People who act this way are often seen as “doormats.”
  4. Warm and assertive – Unlike the first three combinations, this mixture can yield positive results.

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