Apple increases number of 'Apple Car' test drivers for its autonomous fleet

 1 year ago
source link: https://macdailynews.com/2023/03/23/apple-increases-number-of-apple-car-test-drivers-for-its-autonomous-fleet/
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Apple increases number of ‘Apple Car’ test drivers for its autonomous fleet

Thursday, March 23, 2023 2:27 pm4 Comments

According to the California DMV, where you can see “good enough for government work” exemplified on a daily basis, Apple has increased the number of drivers for its autonomous vehicles from 196 to 201 since January 2023.

Apple Car, cloaked in mystery

Stacey Butler for macReports:

Apple has kept its fleet size steady at 67.

The driverless program is still progressing slowly in California. Apple still has not applied for a driverless permit.

The reported collisions for autonomous vehicles being tested in California include even the most minor incidents and must be reported even if the car was in manual driving mode.

Since January 13, 2023:
• Waymo has added 6 new collisions.
• Cruise added 3.
• Zoox added 5.
• Apple and WeRide both added 1.

Apple’s latest collision on February 21, 2023 was not particularly interesting:

“On February 21st, a test vehicle operating in manual driving mode was making a u-turn from Westbound to Eastbound Homestead Road at the intersection with Kennewick Drive in Sunnyvale when the right front tire and rim made contact with the curb. No injuries were reported and law enforcement was not called to the scene. The test vehicle sustained damage to the right front rim.”

MacDailyNews Take: Increasing drivers and holding steady on vehicles is better than decreasing, we guess.

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