Devpro - A clean portfolio website template for developers | Product Hunt

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/devpro
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"Thank you so much for checking out the launch. What do you think is the right way to proceed from here? I'm adding more features every day but want to keep it meaningful and simple. :)"

The makers of Devpro
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Hey Everyone! 👋

I've come up with a neat Portfolio website template that helps you stand out as a developer. The features are:

✅ Built with Next.js and Tailwind CSS ✅ Framer motion for animations ✅ Blogs integration (Powered by MDX) ✅ Landing page with clean and modern design. ✅ About page - flex your journey ✅ Experience page - show that you hop jobs ✅ Contributions page - Latest GitHub contributions ✅ Events page - your talks and conferences ✅ Projects page - flex your projects

This is the most complete website template out there (at least according to me 😉)

I'm updating the template every day and adding more and more features 😍

Would love to hear your feedback on this. 🚀

For more templates, check out https://aceternity.com/templates 😍

-- Manu

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Joyk means Joy of geeK