Question - Certain "notification" keep hanging on the screen blocking...

 1 year ago
source link: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/certain-notification-keep-hanging-on-the-screen-blocking-the-view.4562673/#post-88255899
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Certain "notification" keep hanging on the screen blocking the view.


Senior Member

For example, in the attachment, you can see a key piece of real estate is occupied for prolonged period, after a notification popped and should have gone away in 5 seconds. Maybe the blockage isn't always real, still it's a pain in the butt. I only have this issue for 1 out of 3 pixel 7 pro. The blockage could also appear in the middle of the screen if that's when the notification initially showed up. System build is stable Feb 2023 build. Rooted for sure. Thanks

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