Google begins teasing Google I/O 2023

 1 year ago
source link: https://ausdroid.net/news/2023/03/08/google-begins-teasing-google-i-o-2023/
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Google begins teasing Google I/O 2023


Here we go, one of the most exciting times of the year is approaching with Google I/O. Well, it’s exciting if you’re a geek who enjoys seeing technology and AI advancements at least.

On the Google Devs Twitter account this morning, we saw the first teases of the upcoming event with a puzzle to solve.

The last couple of years, these puzzles have revealed some details about the event. So with the collective working on the solution, we will likely know a lot more before the end of the day.

In terms of what to expect at Google I/O, we’re expecting more on the Pixel Tablet and advancements on the already impressive AI driven by the Tensor chip. Within Android itself — it’s a developer conference don’t forget… — there’s likely to be new features making life quicker and easier for mobile users, and more on the Beta program.

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