GitHub - Boshen/oxc: The JavaScript Oxidation Compiler -> Linter

 1 year ago
source link: https://github.com/Boshen/oxc
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The JavaScript Oxidation Compiler (oxc)

Why this project?

The goal of this project is to:

  • Create a blazingly fast JavaScript Compiler written in Rust.
  • Provide good documentation on learning Rust and compiler techniques.
  • Create a linter.

And mostly importantly, an invitation for you to come and learn Rust with me. We will learn a lot from each other!

You can watch this project and also follow me on twitter if you don't have the time to Rust but would like to learn things.


Contributions are welcome and highly appreciated. To get started, check out CONTRIBUTING.md.

You can also join us on Discord.

Call for action

You can take a look at some of the good first issues if you want to practice some Rust.

I welcome all nitpickings and bikesheddings if you think any of the code can be improved, just make an issue.

I have also created some discussions for documenting my thought processes.


Oxc has a fully working parser and a prototype for the linter right now.

The current objectives are:

  • A MVP (Most Viable Product) for the linter.
  • Improve the parser for real usage. Areas include:
    • Diagnostics reporting
    • Performance
    • Pass more conformance tests
    • You may start with #36

Parser Conformance

The cargo coverage command currently reports the following summary

Test262 Summary:
AST Parsed     : 43934/43934 (100.00%)

Babel Summary:
AST Parsed     : 2045/2057 (99.42%)

TypeScript Summary:
AST Parsed     : 4291/4861 (88.27%)

(The parser is failing some of the TypeScript recoverable parser tests.)

Linter Performance

See benchmark for details. Hyperfine results are:

Benchmark 1: oxc
  Time (mean ± σ):      30.9 ms ±   1.4 ms    [User: 138.2 ms, System: 54.7 ms]
  Range (min … max):    28.6 ms …  35.7 ms    83 runs

Benchmark 2: rome
  Time (mean ± σ):     145.0 ms ±   2.8 ms    [User: 674.9 ms, System: 69.9 ms]
  Range (min … max):   141.5 ms … 151.8 ms    19 runs

  Warning: Ignoring non-zero exit code.

Benchmark 3: eslint
  Time (mean ± σ):      2.661 s ±  0.057 s    [User: 4.076 s, System: 0.223 s]
  Range (min … max):    2.593 s …  2.790 s    10 runs

  Warning: Ignoring non-zero exit code.

  'oxc' ran
    4.70 ± 0.23 times faster than 'rome'
   86.20 ± 4.35 times faster than 'eslint'

Learning Resources


This project is incubated from the help of these great mentors and their projects:



Third Party Licenses

Licenses are list in LICENSE-THIRD-PARTY

This project partially copies code from the following projects:

About Joyk

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Joyk means Joy of geeK