What font does MATLAB use in its interface?

 1 year ago
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What font does MATLAB use in its interface?

MATLAB stands for Matrix Laboratory, a programming language created by MathWorks.

The person behind the MathWorks company is Cleve Moler who also came up with the idea for the project. Seeing his students struggle with linear algebra and numerical analysis, he set off to create a new, simpler language that anyone could use.

MATLAB is the result of that project. The programming platform allows you to carry out data analyses, create algorithms, and build applications.

Its beauty lies in the fact that you can use it regardless of your programming skills – all you need is the willingness to learn. The learning process is made even easier thanks to the great number of guides scattered across the Internet.

Uses-of-matlab-1-1 What font does MATLAB use in its interface?

What you’ll notice first when using MATLAB are its distinct font types. Although not many people know this, you have the option to change them. This can help you present your work better.

What font does MATLAB use? In this article, we’re going to take a closer look at all the fonts MATLAB uses across its platform. We’ll also show you how you can change the available fonts to better suit your needs.

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What font does MATLAB use in its interface?

You won’t find a specific MATLAB text font anywhere on the Internet. The platform simply displays the font based on your Java settings.

However, you have great options when it comes to customizing your default MATLAB font. To do so, you only need to type the name of your preferred font into the FontName entry under the Property Inspector. Just keep in mind you must have the desired font on your system. Otherwise, it won’t load.

When you use MATLAB on Microsoft Windows, you’ll likely work with the MS Sans Serif font. On the other hand, Macintosh and Unix display the Helvetica font. This is because the user interface controls choose your platform’s default font. The idea is to make the fonts more consistent and thus easier on the eye.

Ms-sans-seriff-1-1-1 What font does MATLAB use in its interface?
Helvetica-2 What font does MATLAB use in its interface?

If you don’t wish to use the customized font, simply erase the value from the FontName entry. Doing so will turn the font back to your computer’s default one.

How to change the look of your MATLAB fonts

Not all MATLAB fonts were made the same. Some are much easier on the eye than others. Just like on most text-based platforms, you can customize your MATLAB default in the following ways:

  • Monospace
  • Italic
  • Underline

When it comes to programming, most of these features will simply help you navigate the text better. However, the Monospace option is a must-have for improving your text’s quality. It makes all characters occupy the same amount of space, which makes your work much easier to skim.

Anonymous-pro-1 What font does MATLAB use in its interface?

Some monospace fonts look better than others. We recommend using one of the following:

  • Anonymous Pro
  • Courier
  • Courier New
  • Fixedsys
  • Letter Gothic
  • Lucida Sans Typewriter Regular
  • Lucida Console
  • Monaco
  • Profont
  • Ubuntu

How to check which fonts you can use in MATLAB

Image-1 What font does MATLAB use in its interface?

To use a specific MATLAB font type, you have to have it on your system. But how do you know whether you have it or not?

You can check it easily by typing uisetfont into the MATLAB prompt. This will return a dialog window that contains a list and preview of the fonts you can use. You can choose your preferred MATLAB font type and copy its name into the Property Inspector together with the FontName string.


Customizing your text style in MATLAB

You can customize your text style by setting the FontName property. This is what it looks like in practice:

  • title(‘myTitle’, ‘FontName’, ‘Times’)
  • xlabel(‘myLabel’, ‘FontName’, ‘Arial’)
  • set(gca, ‘FontName’, ‘Gotham’)

How to zoom and change your MATLAB default font

Matlab What font does MATLAB use in its interface?

You can customize most aspects of your MATLAB, including the font size, name, and style. You can also change the zoom level to better fit your style.

To change the zoom level, you can use either the Editor, Live Editor, or Help browser. You can zoom in and out by pressing your CTRL key and moving the scroll wheel up and down. If you’re using a MAC, hold the Command key instead.

As for the font size, you can change it in your preferences and settings. If you’re using MATLAB online, you can only change this property for the Editor, Command Window, and Live Editor.

You can change both your MATLAB font name and style. However, you can only do so for the Command Window, Editor, and Live Editor if you’re using the online version.

How to use a specific MATLAB font name

If you wish to use a specific font, simply type its name into the FontName property. However, this will only work on your current device.

If you load it from another computer that doesn’t have the font, the platform will use a backup font instead.

It will rarely look as good as your original choice. Some fonts come in different versions, meaning they may not have the same size requirements for all the characters.

How to change your font in MATLAB

How-to-change-your-font-in-MATLAB What font does MATLAB use in its interface?

Changing your MATLAB font type is very easy. However, it may be a bit tricky if you don’t know how to do it. Luckily, you can follow this quick guide to optimize your MATLAB user interface.

  1. Run the MATLAB software.
  2. Go to the ‘Home’ tab.
  3. Go to ‘Preferences’.
  4. Select ‘Fonts’.
  5. Open the dropdown menu and choose your preferred font.
  6. Click on the new dropdown menu and select the size of your chosen font.
  7. Click on the ‘Apply’ button.
  8. Click on the ‘OK’ button.
  9. Type to check if you were successful.

How to set font characteristics in MATLAB

How-to-set-font-characteristics-in-Mtalab What font does MATLAB use in its interface?

Once you select your font type with the FontName property, you can customize it further. To do so, use the uisetfont function. This dialog allows you to choose the characteristics for all fonts on the platform.

myfont = uisetfont

uisetfont returns the selections as a structure array:

myfont = FontName: ‘Century Schoolbook’

FontWeight: ‘normal’

FontAngle: ‘normal’

FontSize: 9

FontUnits: ‘points’

Set the font characteristics using this information:

btn = uicontrol;

btn.FontName = myfont.FontName;

btn.FontSize = myfont.FontSize;

Use the following function if you want to set all your font characteristics at once:


What font does MATLAB use? Our final thoughts

MATLAB is one of the best tools when it comes to data analysis. With it, you can turn heaps of data into an image or a 3D model. This visualization makes working with your data much easier.

What makes MATLAB stand out from other programming languages is its simple design. It was made to be accessible for beginners and experts alike, meaning you’ll have an easy time learning it. MATLAB is especially useful for engineers and scientists, who deal with a lot of data daily.

One way to make MATLAB even easier to navigate is to choose the right font. This will make large chunks of programming much more organized. Thus, you can skim the text in a matter of seconds. This is important when it comes to coding, as you would otherwise spend a long time trying to spot the mistake in your code. Luckily, MATLAB is very generous in its customization options.

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